Herman Cain to Iran: ‘If you mess with Israel you’re messing with the USA’


Source: LAT, 7-19-11


Herman Cain loves deep dish pizza, but he may love Israel more. How do I know? I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t go to war with a man who stole a  pepperoni slice; but if he were president and if a country, even one with a huge army like Iran’s, caused problems with an ally like Israel, there’d be trouble.

“If you mess with Israel you’re messing with the United States of America,” the Georgia businessman laid out plainly in his “Cain Doctrine.”

“Option A is, ‘Folks, we are not going to allow you to attack Israel,’ ” the GOP presidential hopeful told the Washington Times.

“If they call my bluff, they already know — they will know — what Option B is,” Cain said….READ MORE